wens Releases Newest EP ‘alien tears’

Featured Photo Credit: Caity Krone

Wens dropped her newest EP alien tears on April 8 after splitting from a relationship and record label. Dipped in self-reflection and growth, the EP moves through different emotions involved with a big life change. 

As a whole, the EP captures wens’ processing of heartbreak, loss and growth that come along with breaking off a long term relationship. The Los Angeles native brings her experiences to life through the storytelling in the tracks on this EP, giving the listener a taste of her style and personality as an artist. 

The EP opens with “alien tears,” setting the listener up for the array of tracks to come with a catchy chorus and raw lyrics . The line, “everything feels really weird,” illustrates the range of emotions that bubble to the surface throughout the EP and the complexity of processing loss.

The third track on the EP “4ever” follows the slower first two tracks with a catchy, bopping rhythm that picks up the pace of the EP. Funky bass undertones steady the track while the racing drum track brings the song to its dancey destination. 

Next up on the record, “breakfast at a funeral” emphasizes closure and moving on through the line, “this is goodbye, goodbye, the end, the end,” which is repeated throughout the track. The slightly choppy rhythm gives the track an intriguing catchiness

The EP closes out with the slower acoustic “portishead,” a solid finale to the cleansing EP. Spacey synth sounds shoot around the background of the song accompany the acoustic guitar hook, leaving the EP on an ethereal note. 

You can keep up with wens via social media and streaming services to stay up to date on any new releases. 

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