LISTEN: Actress Kate Hudson Makes Music Debut with “Talk About Love”

Penny Lane isn’t just a groupie anymore, she IS the band! 

Almost Famous actor Kate Hudson has unveiled her debut single, “Talk About Love.” The rock-pop track introduces audiences to Hudson’s passion for music that has always run as deep as the California Canyons. 

“It’s like the shadow self,” she explains, “those things you don’t see, but are always with you and a part of you. I have always had a room for my piano ever since I began living on my own. I’ve been caught up writing and witnessing life in songs since I was a child. But it always comes down to the moment, and the ability to make sure you can be there for the music. Finally, for me, that time is now.”

Embracing the moment, the emerging songstress enlisted the help of Linda Perry and musician/songwriter Danny Fujikawa to co-write a track that realizes her dream. 

“You only have one first single,” she says, “and I wanted it to be something delicious and sexy and all the things that I believe in. I wanted it to be open and seeking, searching to find something powerful. But I also wanted the music to be the rock, the pop, the dance music and even a bit of the alternative records I love. It was a lot to put into one song, but thankfully, I had some wonderful people working with me. And so, here we are!”

Hudson also collaborated with producer Johan Carlsson and Fujikawa to build a sound that is both fresh and nostalgic by melding pop, rock, and post-disco. “Delicious” synths and “sexy” guitar and rhythm bring life to a song about escaping into the night.

The independently recorded single is part of a larger project that fans won’t have to wait long for. 

“And then one day, you’re writing, and you think, ‘Now.’ Linda challenged me to write a full album once she heard me sing and that’s when I decided to complete the song cycle. It might’ve been crazy to some, but once I committed, all the songs, the sounds and even the way the recording process came together, the timing was right,” she shared.

Hudson plans to release her debut full length album later this year. 

Photo Credit: Guy Aroch

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