FRENSHIP Flirts with Soul in the Charming EP ‘Base Camp’

Good music can pretty much come from anywhere. But something tangible, touched with soul and greatness, is rare.

James Sunderland and Brett Hite are no longer drowning in the uncertainty of a major label system. Like warrior poets, these dudes wanted their music to outlast them…so they fought. And fought hard to create songs they could control.

FRENSHIP is the latest endeavor from the dynamic musical duo. Motivated by both the exhilarating connection they experienced with their audience and the bittersweet reality of their experience within the major label system, the duo sought to approach their latest iteration by delving into their vulnerabilities. With a panoramic gaze, their EP Base Camp explores these vulnerabilities, encompassing aspects such as their diverging lives and the fractured state of our nation. In this essay, we will delve deeper into the journey and evolution of FRENSHIP’s expression, highlighting their decision to embrace their vulnerabilities openly.

One remarkable aspect that FRENSHIP chose to address on Base Camp is their lives’ contrasting paths. While James Sunderland continues to reside in Los Angeles, California, Brett Hite has moved to Washington State. This geographical divergence provides a new lens through which they perceive and experience life, inviting them to introspect on its impact on their music and connection with their audience. The inclusion of these vulnerabilities allows FRENSHIP to present a more authentic and relatable selection of songs, creating a deeper bond with listeners.

The duo unearth some pretty vulnerable emotions in “Sad Anymore” and the re-release of “Copenhagen.”

What I find most appealing are the flashes of joy throughout as they explore the personal challenges within their own lives.

FRENSHIP ventures into the broader social context by acknowledging the fractured state of our nation. Through their lyrics and melodies, they shed light on the struggles and divisions that plague our society. By conquering their hesitations and openly addressing these topics, the duo engages in a dialogue, encouraging listeners to reflect upon and engage with the complexities of our times.

The soulful journey of James and Brett serves as a testament to the resilience required to sustain a creative career while preserving artistic integrity.