A Soundtrack for Love: BANNERS Release New Album ‘All Back to Mine’

Liverpool-born singer and songwriter, BANNERS (aka Michael Nelson), has dropped his much-anticipated All Back to Mine. After achieving massive success in North America, this pop-friendly LP marks a return to musical roots and is a testament to BANNERS’ popularity as an artist.  All Back to Mine showcases BANNERS unique talent for crafting soul-stirring music that will certainly resonate with listeners on a profound level.

All Back to Mine, is a celebration,  a homecoming and a soundtrack wrapped in a bow. But not just any bow; “I put my heartstrings all over this album. You want to fill your life with experiences, don’t you? And the more of them, the better,” says Banners. The All Back to Mine, LP gifts new and returning fans a rare front seat to join BANNERs on a nostalgic trip down memory lane in Liverpool. The album is also a reflection of the friendships, optimism, and the love that has guided BANNERS on his musical path, both in his personal life and in his career. 

Liverpool is a city that holds a special place in his heart and BANNERS lyrics unravel some personal stories, touching moments and unforgettable feels of his journey back home. With the theme of love – be it romantic or familial, All Back to Mine ushers in honesty, while spotlighting BANNERS technique and prowess to convey raw emotions through his music. Blending pop sensibilities with pulses and rhythms that are deep with sincerity, BANNERS created an LP that is both introspective and uplifting. With tracks like “The Best View in Liverpool,” “Anywhere for You,” and “C’est La Vie,” BANNERS invites listeners to share in his musical passage of self-discovery and growth.

Over the years, BANNERS has garnered critical acclaim for his music, with hits like “Name In Lights” and “Tell You I Love You” earning him a dedicated fan base. With the release of “All Back to Mine,” Banners showcases his versatility as an artist, while offering a glimpse into his innermost thoughts and feelings.

Listening to BANNERS, it was like a dramatic close-up of a new artist who’s offering more than glimpse, but genuinely putting his passion out there for everyone to do with it what they will.

Featured Photo Credit: Marieke Macklon