Xana ‘The Sex Was Good Until It Wasn’t’: Healing Through Perceptive Pop

Xana’s sophomore album The Sex Was Good Until It Wasn’t makes you feel authority because of your experiences, not in spite of them.

The project tells a story of self-discovery through the Vancouver-based artist’s past relationships, both interpersonal and intrapersonal. The album, which focuses on queer empowerment, is a perfect mix of dance-pop and powerful ballads. 

The 15-track album begins with the song “Lip Service,” which tells the story of an unfair relationship. Xana expresses her rage through the breakdown: “I don’t know who you’re trying to be/I didn’t wanna up and leave/But I knew you wouldn’t stay with me.” The song cleverly describes the saying “lip service” — someone expressing support through words but not actions — within the parameters of this relationship.

In “Homewrecking Era,” the fourth track on this album, Xana sings about the darker side of desire. Rather than pretending these “toxic tendencies” don’t exist, she faces them head-on in the fifth track “Monster.”

The album’s balance between pop songs that make you want to dance and ones that make you want to cry are what make the project so thoughtful. On “15” and “Alibi,” Xana pours her heart out in poetic verses reliving traumatic, heartbreaking past encounters.

She closes The Sex Was Good Until It Wasn’t with the six-minute song “January.” While many people look at January as a month of new beginnings, Xana sings of a relationship ending. The first verses make her love for the other person clear: “I never got to/Tell you that I loved you/Painted the whole thing dark blue.” The piano builds as the pain in her voices does, bringing listeners on a touching emotional journey of self-love and appreciation.

Xana’s sophomore album utilizes pop music to tell emotional and empowering stories in a manner that feels honest, raw and proud. The Sex Was Good Until It Wasn’t publicly discusses positive queer relationships and self-discovery through the female lens in a manner that isn’t seen enough in the spotlight. It’s clear Xana is headed for big things — you can catch her on tour this summer. For tickets, visit https://xanaofficial.com/the-sex-was-good-tour/.

Featured Photo Credit: Lindsey Blane