Tones and I might just have one of the most unique voices ever in the music industry. Having tremendous success with her hit “Dance Monkey,” Tones and I brought her first major U.S. tour to The Fonda Theater in LA right on Hollywood BLVD. The Australian played songs from her debut EP, The Kids Are Coming, and brought ample amount of energy to the stage.

She opened the show with her piano ballad “Happy,” which showcased her raw singing talent. She’s never taken a singing class, her experience is largely from busking on the street and her pipes were powerful!

This was her very first show in LA, making it all that more special for her, you could see how grateful she was in between songs, especially towards the end where she was speechless after performing “Dance Monkey” and everyone cheered for a good two minutes.

The next day in LA she went to Ellen so she was feeling very emotional all night, as this was probably her biggest breaks so far in the music world.

Theres honesty to her performance that is rare to see. Tones and I let people into her world, her song that she performed called “You’re So Fucking Cool,” where she sang about going to a fabulous L.A. party where no one spoke to anyone else. Tones and I is an advocate against bullying and she wrote a personal song called “Johnny Run Away,” her first single for her best friend, who was at the show. She also gave a special performance of the hit song “Forever Young” by Alphaville. Her rendition of the song had a different pace, going from slow to speeding it back up.

Tones and I saved “Dance Monkey” for the end of her set and it’s even more fun to listen to live with a bunch of people having a good time.
If you have the time and chance you need to see Tones and I since you’ll have a great night at her show. You can get tickets for her tour by clicking here.