On May 10, Role Model’s TouRx was just what the doctor ordered.
“Tucker! Tucker!” the Boston crowd chanted as the stage lights flickered on to illuminate a simple stage setup.
Echoing through the Royale’s speakers, Role Model’s voice told the audience to enjoy the show and to look out for each other.
With a flash of light, Role Model danced onto the stage singing “if jesus saves, she’s my type.” The energy reverberating throughout the venue set the tone for the rest of the night.
Whether it was a song off his latest album, Rx or his 2019 album, oh, how perfect, the crowd knew every word to his 17 song set and jumped to every beat.

This show was a special one for Role Model because it was “basically my home town show. This is as close as I’ll get to Maine,” he told the crowd as family and friends looked on from the mezzanine.
Between songs, Role Model made it a point to interact with all the fans from the ones in the front row who had been waiting since 9:30 a.m. to “the lady at coat check with the sickest outfit” all the way back.

He closed out the night with “rx” and “blind.” During his final song, “forever&more,” Role Model ran upstairs to join his family in the mezzaine, while his fans sang along.
Although there was no time for an encore before the venue converted to a club for the night, fans lingered even after the lights came up. No one wanted to leave the amazing energy that both Role Model and the crowd had created.
Looks like he’s “stuck with [them] forever…and more.”