EXCLUSIVE: Gillian chats about her single, “static,” upcoming debut album, and more

Featured Image Credit: Jenn Curtis

“Static” is the latest single from Boston based artist, Gillian. Through piano-driven verses and a synth-soaked chorus, Gillian captures the relatable internal struggle of going out with friends versus staying home and missing out.

ECHO chatted with the R&B/alternative pop artist about “static,” her upcoming debut album, 3AM, and more.

What inspired you to write “Static”?

I actually wrote “Static” moments before leaving to go out with my friends. “Static” is all about not wanting to go out but also being afraid of missing out. I think that the message of the song is not only powerful and relatable, but also unique.

What did the writing process look like for “Static”?

As I was about to leave to go out, it was actually pretty rushed. I spent about fifteen minutes creating a rough draft of the song. It obviously needed tweaking, but it was a full song!

When writing, what usually comes first, melody or lyrics?

When I write, I usually start with a lyrical line or two that I really love and build off of that. I usually play around with lyrics and then find a melody that will work with it and construct the rest of the song from there.

If you could set fans up in the perfect environment to listen to “Static,” what do you imagine it looking like? 

I love this question! I am a super visual person, so I like to explain how I want a song to sound with colors. “Static,” to me, seems like bright blues and purples. If I could describe a space perfect for “static,” it would be in a bedroom with purple and blue lighting in the middle of the night. 

What can fans expect from your debut album, 3AM

3AM has a taste of so many different types of music. From my first two singles, “High” and “Static”, you can already see the differences emerging in the songs. Overall, 3AM is melancholic and unique, and sees me experimenting with different sounds.

When did you first get interested in music? 

I’ve been singing ever since I can remember. When I was a baby, my parents used to know I was awake when they would hear me singing through the baby monitor. My brother began playing the piano when he was six and I was four, and that inspired me to begin playing as well. My brother has inspired my music throughout my whole life.

How would you describe your sound? 

I think my sound is a mix of R&B and alternative pop. As I mentioned before, I love to describe songs and sounds with colors, and I think that the overall sound of 3AM is deep maroons and dark greens. 

How has growing up in Boston influenced your music?

I’ve been attending concerts in Boston since I was seven, and it has always inspired me to keep creating music. Live performances are so inspiring for me and growing up in Boston meant being exposed to it throughout my life.

“Static” and your last single, “High” are very honest and relatable. Why do you feel it is important to write music that is authentic? 

My music always turns out better when it comes from a place of authenticity. Music is therapeutic and I think that authenticity helps to provide that. If my music is able to help someone, that’s incredible.

What is one quote that you’ve heard or that you go by that you want to ECHO out to the world? 

I’ve recently tried to live my life more confidently. I think that society forces women, especially, into molds that almost no-one can truly fit into. We are all perfect and beautiful!

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