If you’re in Los Angeles, CA looking for a perfect EP that is about moving to LA, or a big city in general, to listen to, Gabe James just might be that artist you’re looking for. Having just moved to LA, James released an EP about his move to the City of Angels. We chatted with James about his personal EP and much more about his music and move from Colorado to LA.

How are you?
I’m doing great; excited to start this new year off by going on my first tour with Ryan Woods this February!

Have you started on any New Years resolutions yet?
My goal is to have more depth as an artist in my writing and just to become a better writer in general.

You just released your ep last month (I guess year now haha) but what inspired you to name it City of Lost Angels, how does this represent LA for you?

I wanted to tell a story along with each EP that I’m putting out. This second EP was meant to capture me having just moved out to LA from the small town I grew up in Colorado. This EP title also hints at some of the lyrics in a song I have planned for the third EP :)!

Since your EP is titled after LA, name some favorite spots of yours in the city.
I live close to Runyon Canyon and love to run up there every morning so that’s definitely one of my favorite spots to get away from the city. Melrose is a fun place to go on weekends and hang with friends. It’s not really in LA, but I love going to Malibu when the weather is nice.

Do you have a favorite/personal song off the EP?
I think my favorite song off this EP might be either Gracie or Colorado. I love Gracie for the production of the song, I think that the drums and the harmonies sound so cool! I love Colorado because it’s one of my favorite songs that I’ve written thus far.

How did you get started in the music industry?
I put out a song called In The Moment on Spotify sophomore year of high school which gained some traction and eventually got brought to my manager, (Gabe Saporta) who then signed me under his management team(TAG) and Label!

If you could set up a fan in a setting for them to listen to your music, what setting would that be?
Probably driving in the car next to the beach in Malibu, or up somewhere in the hills by Hollywood during sunset.

What’s one quote you’ve heard in life that you’d want to ECHO out to fans?
‘it doesn’t f*cking matter’ – Gabe Saporta

Who are some dream collaborations you want to do in 2022?
Man, I would die to do something with Jack Kays! Id also love to work with Justus Bennetts, DelWaterGap, and 44Blonde!