Anyone who grew up during the years 1995-2010, you’re most likely familiar with a show called Drake & Josh, a hit Nickelodeon TV show starring Drake Bell and Josh Peck. Drake Bell played Drake Parker on the show. Since the show aired both Drake and Josh went on to be childhood icons and legends for many millennials. If you think they’re both irrelevant, then you’re wrong. Drake Bell is still very much going at it, releasing new music frequently and currently touring.

Drake Bell just stopped in Worcester, MA at the Worcester Palladium where he made many young… surprisingly some over 30 year olds, dreams come true when he came to the small intimate venue. Bell played childhood classics such as “Makes Me Happy,” “Found a Way” and “I Know.” Along with playing classic hits from the past, Bell played new songs such as “Honest,” from his 2017 EP Honest, as well as his current single “Fuego Lento,” where he sings Spanish and it’s to live for.

Even with just a guitar and himself, Drake Bell was able to captivate the audience as well as keep them energized for the hour plus performance in the small crowded venue.

Drake Bell is currently on tour, check out his tour dates and ticket info by clicking here!